The Effects of Age and Gender on Some Biochemical Serum Parameters in Zom Sheep Raised in the Vicinity of Karacadağ

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Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 70 (2)  June 2015 33 Biochemical Serum Parameters in Zom Sheep
Te Efects of Age and Gender on Some Biochemical Serum
Parameters in Zom Sheep Raised in the Vicinity of Karacadağ
Durak, M.H.,
* Erkan, R.E.C.,
Çelik, R.,
Yokuş, B.,
* Kurt, D.
and Gürgöze, S.
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary, Dicle University, 21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey,
Department of Biochemistry, Diyarbakir Education and Research Hospital, Diyarbakir, Turkey.
Department of Zootechnics, Faculty of Veterinary, Dicle University, 21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey.
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary, Dicle University, 21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey.
Corresponding Author: Beran Yokuş, Phone: +90 412 2488020/ 8608, Fax: +90 412 2488020, Gsm: +5333575421. E-mail:
A hundred and seventy three clinically healthy Zom sheep aged 1-6 years and grazed on grassland under
similar conditions in six villages of the Karacadağ and Ovabağ towns of the central, Bismil and Çınar districts
of Diyarbakır province. Te efect of gender in the evaluation for serum glucose, γ~glutamyltransferase, and
alkaline phosphatase were observed for Zom sheep. Te efect of age on the assessment made by taking into
consideration the serum cholesterol, direct bilirubin, very low-density lipoprotein, alkaline phosphatase,
γ~glutamyltransferase and direct bilirubin and high-density lipoprotein were also observed. In conclusion
the age and gender of the Zom sheep needs to be taken into consideration in order to ensure an accurate
clinical diagnosis and prognosis.
Keywords: Age; Biochemistry; Gender; Zom Sheep
Sheep breeding is of signifcance for the Turkish national
economy in that it enables the use of low quality grassland
and provides input to the food and textile industries (1). Te
Zom sheep is of particular signifcance in terms of both the
protection of local genetic resources and the provision of
genetic material for future animal improvement programmes.
Te Zom sheep, which are raised in Karacadağ and its vicin-
ity in southeast Anatolia, is a local type of the Akkaraman
breed. Its inbreeding in closed herds for centuries by the local
people of the region has enabled the adaptation of the Zom
sheep to the conditions prevailing in the region, resulting in
the evolution of a dual-purpose breed with a higher with-
ers height compared to that of other sheep breeds (2), and
with greater resistance to diseases and greater viability. Tese
characteristics have led the farmers of the region preferring
the use of Zom sheep as breeder animals (2, 3).
For the interpretation of biochemical serum parameters
of an animal species, data is required on the reference value
ranges specifc to that particular species (1). Reference values
have been established for the biochemical parameters of al-
most all the sheep breeds raised in Turkey, taking into account
the diferences observed for age and gender. Research has
been conducted on the Karayaka sheep (1), Akkaraman sheep
(4), Awassi sheep (5), Sakiz x Karayaka sheep (6), Sakiz sheep
(7), Merino sheep (8), and Tuj sheep (9). Several other studies
are also available for the biochemical parameters of other
sheep breeds (10, 11, 12). However, no previous study exists
on reference values for the serum biochemical parameters
of the Zom sheep. Serum biochemical parameters are used
in the assessment of animal diseases, the monitoring of the
treatment of animal diseases, the interpretation of nutritional
disorders, research aimed at increasing animal productivity,
and the collection of information on the physiopathological
condition of animals. Terefore, the establishment of refer-
Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 70 (2)  June 2015 Durak, M.H. 34
ence values for the biochemical serum parameters of Zom
sheep raised in the Karacadağ region bears signifcance in
determining clinical approaches that can be used in these
animals for treatment (1, 11, 13, 14).
Tis study was aimed at establishing reference value
ranges for clinically healthy Zom sheep raised in Karacadağ
town and its vicinity, by means of the measurement of the
levels of certain biochemical serum parameters, and by taking
into consideration diferences for age and gender.
Blood samples were collected from 173 clinically healthy
Zom sheep aged 1 to 6 years grazing on grassland under
similar conditions in six villages of the Karacadağ and
Ovabağ towns of the central, Bismil and Çınar districts of
Diyarbakır province, located in the Karacadağ region situated
in-between the Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa and Mardin provinces.
Te animals were randomly selected from the sheep focks
raised by 9 breeders. Between June and July in 2013, blood
samples were collected from the jugular vein of each animal
into dry vacuum tubes. For female animals, the sampling
period was the end of the lactation period and the beginning
of the dry period. After being transferred to the laboratory
under cold chain conditions, the blood samples were centri-
fuged at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes for the extraction of sera.
Te serum samples were transferred into 1.5 ml Eppendorf
tubes and stored at -26 °C in a deep freezer until analysis.
Laboratory analyses were performed within two weeks after
the collection of the blood samples.
Analyses for serum glucose (GLU), alkaline phospha-
tase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), choles-
terol (CHOL), creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH), albumin (ALB), direct bilirubin (DBIL), creatinine
(CREA), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), urea, total biliru-
bin (TBIL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), total protein
(TP), amylase (AMY), γ~glutamyltransferase (γ~GT), tri-
glyceride (TG), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), globulin (GLB),
indirect bilirubin (IBIL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and
very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) were performed by
an enzymatic colorimetric method using a modular P-800
biochemistry autoanalyzer (Roche Diagnostics GmbH.,
Mannheim, Germany) using original commercial autoana-
lyzer test kits.
With an aim to establish reference values for certain bio-
chemical parameters in Zom sheep, two main groups were
established, one for gender and the other for age (A). Te
animals included in these two main groups were assessed
under further subgroups. Te main group for gender was
divided into further subgroups for female animals (F), male
animals (M), female young animals (FY), male young animals
(MY), female adult animals (FA), and male adult animals
(MA) (Table 1). Te main group for age was divided into
further subgroups for young animals (Y), adult animals (A),
young female animals (YF), young male animals (YM), adult
female animals (AF), and adult male animals (AM) (Table 2).
In the groups established for age, the selection criteria for
young animals were their age being below 2 years and the
females not having given birth previously, while the selec-
tion criteria for adult animals were their age being above 2
years and the females having given birth before but not being
pregnant during the study period.
Statistical analysis
Statistical comparisons were made between the main groups
F and M, the subgroups FY and MY, and the subgroups FA
and MA in the groups established for gender, and between
the main groups Y and A, the subgroups YF and YM, and
the subgroups AF and AM in the groups established for age.
Te statistical analyses for the biochemical serum parameters
investigated were performed using the independent samples
All values were expressed as mean±standard deviation
(x±SD) with a P < 0.05 considered as being signifcant. Te
SPSS 18.0 software package was used for the statistical
analysis of data.
Te serum biochemistry fndings obtained for gender are
presented in Table 1, while the serum biochemistry fnd-
ings obtained for age are given in Table 2. It was determined
that the Zom sheep included in the study did not difer for
serum AST, CK, LDH, ALB, CREA, ALT, urea, TBIL, TP,
AMY, TG, BUN, GLB, IBIL or LDL levels between the
gender and age groups (p < 0.05). Te assessment of the
efects of gender demonstrated that the serum GLU levels
of the animals included in group F were signifcantly lower
than those of group M (P < 0.05). No signifcant diference
existed between the subgroups FY and MY. Te comparison
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Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 70 (2)  June 2015 35 Biochemical Serum Parameters in Zom Sheep
of the subgroups FA and MA demonstrated that in the FA
group, the serum ALP level was lower (P < 0.01) and the
γ~GT level was signifcantly higher (P < 0.05). Gender was
confrmed not to have caused any statistical diference for the
other parameters investigated (Table 1).
Te assessment of the efects of age revealed that the
serum CHOL and DBIL levels of group Y were lower than
that of group A, while the VLDL levels were higher (P <
0.05). Te comparison of the subgroups YF and AF demosn-
trated that in subgroup AF, serum ALP levels were lower and
DBIL levels were higher in comparison to subgroup YF. Te
serum γ~GT levels of subgroup YF were found to be lower
than that of subgroup AF (P < 0.05). On the other hand, the
comparison of the subgroups YM and AM showed that in
subgroup YM, serum DBIL (P < 0.01) and VLDL (P < 0.05)
levels were lower and serum HDL levels were signifcantly
higher (P < 0.01), compared to subgroup AM.
It was ascertained that age did not cause any statistically
signifcant diference for the other parameters investigated
(Table 2).
Te Zom sheep included in the present study were selected
among healthy sheep raised by 9 farmers in 6 villages lo-
cated in Karacadağ and its vicinity. Te biochemical serum
parameters of sheep are known to vary with multiple factors,
including disease, breed, age, gender, season, muscle activity,
nutrition, gestation, heat, and stress (6, 13, 15). Te mean
values determined for the biochemical parameters investi-
gated in the present study (Tables 1 and 2) were found to
fall within the reference value ranges previously reported for
sheep by other researchers (4, 5, 7, 10, 11). Biochemical serum
parameters have common use in the clinical assessment of
domestic animals.
Blood glucose concentrations, which show a broad range
Table 1. Gender-related biochemical parameters in Zom sheep (x±SD).
Gender Gender Young Gender Adult
GLU(mg/dl) 39±15* 41±13* 41±16 41±13 39±15 41±13 40±14
ALP (U/l) 150±73 215±94 190±80 243±85 132±61** 199±97** 177±88
AST (U/l) 99±18 95±16 108±20 95±16 95±16 95±17 97±17
CHOL(mg/dl) 69±13 67±15 71±15 65±16 68±12 69±14 68±14
CK (U/l) 145±56 142±48 155±60 156±49 141±59 134±46 144±55
LDH (U/l) 945±213 872±184 1056±201 874±181 895±201 871±189 914±204
ALB (g/dl) 3.2±0.3 3.4±0.3 3.3±0.2 3.4±0.3 3.1±0.3 3.3±0.3 3.3±0.3
DBIL (mg/dl) 0.03±0.0 0.02±0.0 0.03±0.0 0.02±0.0 0.04±0.0 0.02±0.0 0.03±0.0
CREA (mg/dl) 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2
ALT (U/l) 18±6 19±5 18±7 18±4 17±5 19±5 18±5
UREA (mg/dl) 30±6 32 ±6 31±7 33±5 30±5 32±6 31±6
TBIL (mg/dl) 0.1±0.1 0.1±0.0 0.1±0.0 0.1±0 0.1±0.1 0.1±0.0 0.1±0.1
HDL (mg/dl) 47±12 43±11 48±12 45±15 47±12 41±8 45±12
TP (g/dl) 7.7±1 7.8±1 7.8±1 7.5±1 7.6±1 7.9±1 7.7±1
AMY (U/l) 14±7 12±7 12±6 13±7 14±8 11±7 13±7
γ~GT (U/l) 49±15 49±12 48±12 52±12 50±17* 47±12* 49±14
TG (mg/dl) 23±14 22±12 27±12 21±9 21±13 22±14 22±13
BUN (mg/dl) 14±3 16±3 15±3 15±2 14±2 16±3 15±3
GLB (g/dl) 4.2±1 4.3±1 4.4±0 4.1±1 4.1±1 4.4±0 4.2±1
IBIL (mg/dl) 0.08±0.0 0.09±0.0 0.08±0.0 0.09±0.0 0.08±0.0 0.08±0.0 0.08±0.0
LDL (mg/dl) 18±6 20±7 18±7 18±7 18±6 22±7 19±7
VLDL(mg/dl) 5±2 5±2 5±2 5±1 4±2 5±2 5±2
Te same superscripts (* and **) in the same row denote signifcant diference at (p < 0.05, P < 0.01) respectively.
F=Femine. M=Male. FY=Femine Young. MY=Male Young. FA=Femine adult. MA=Male adult.
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Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 70 (2)  June 2015 Durak, M.H. 36
in domestic animals, are regulated by the hypoglycaemic and
hyperglycaemic hormones (16). Blood glocose levels are also
known to be related to genetic predisposition (16). Glucose
concentrations may alter with the secretion of catechol-
amines, and may also increase secondarily, as a result of the
stress of muscle and liver enzymes induced by myopathy and
hypoxia (17). In several research studies serum glucose levels
have been reported to be lower at the end of the lactation
period and during the dry period in sheep (9, 12) and during
the summer months in cattle (14). Some researchers have
suggested that gender does not to afect glucose levels in
sheep (1, 6, 18) and red deer (19).
Eshratkhah (20) indicated that, while gender signif-
cantly afected serum glucose concentrations, age had no
such efect in sheep (20, 21). Some other researchers (6, 7,
8) suggested that serum glucose concentrations were afected
by age and were signifcantly lower in adult animals, as a
result of reduced glucose production in the liver that could
be related to increased levels of toxic substances in the liver
with ageing or the parasitic infection of the liver (8). In
the present study, it was determined that the mean serum
glucose levels of all Zom sheep, irrespective of their gender
and age, fell within the previously reported reference value
ranges (5, 7, 9, 11). Glucose concentrations were observed
to have been signifcantly afected by the gender factor (P <
0.05) (Table 1), which was in agreement with the reports of
Eshratkhah (20) and Kiran (21). On the other hand, glucose
concentrations were ascertained not to have been afected by
age, which was not in agreement with the results of previous
studies (6, 7, 8). Tis was attributed to the blood samples
having been collected in late lactation or in the early dry
period, which also resulted in the serum glucose levels of
the animals included in group F being lower. However, the
serum glucose levels of the Zom sheep found below the
reference values, were not statistical signifcance, suggesting
that a genetic adaptation may have developed for glucose in
Table 2. Age-related biochemical parameters in Zom sheep (x±SD)
Age Age Female Age Male
GLU(mg/dl) 41±15 40±14 41±16 39±15 41±13 41±13 40±14
ALP (U/l) 214±86 159±84 190±80* 132±61* 243±85 199±97 177±88
AST (U/l) 102±19 95±16 108±20 95±16 95±16 95±17 97±17
CHOL(mg/dl) 68±16* 69±13* 71±15 68±12 65±16 69±14 68±14
CK (U/l) 156±54 138±54 155±60 141±59 156±49 134±46 144±55
LDH (U/l) 972±210 885±195 1056±200 895±201 874±181 871±189 914±204
ALB (g/dl) 3.3±0.3 3.2±0.3 3.3±0.2 3.1±0.3 3.4±0.3 3.3±0.3 3.3±0.3
DBIL (mg/dl) 0.03±0.0* 0.03±0.0* 0.03±0.0* 0.04±0.0* 0.02±0.0** 0.02±0.0** 0.03±0.0
CREA(mg/dl) 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.2
ALT (U/l) 18±6 18±5 18±6.7 17±5 18±4 19±5 18±5
UREA(mg/dl) 32±6 31±6 30±7 30±5 33±5 32±6 31±6
TBIL (mg/dl) 0.1±0.0 0.1±0.1 0.1±0.0 0.1±0.1 0.1±0.0 0.1±0.0 0.1±0.1
HDL (mg/dl) 47±14 45±11 48±12 47±12 45±15** 41±8** 45±12
TP (g/dl) 7.7±1 7.7±1 7.8±1 7.6±1 7.5±1 7.9±1 7.7±1
AMY (U/l) 13±6 13±8 12±6 14±8 13±7 11±7 13±7
γ~GT (U/l) 50±12 49±15 48±12* 50±17* 52±12 47±12 49±14
TG (mg/dl) 25±11 21±13 27±12 21±13 21±9 22±14 22±13
BUN (mg/dl) 15±3 15±3 15±3 14±2 15±2 16±3 15±3
GLB (g/dl) 4.2±1 4.3±1 4.4±0 4.1±1 4.1±1 4.4±0 4.2±1
IBIL (mg/dl) 0.09±0.0 0.08±0.0 0.08±0.0 0.08±0.0 0.09±0.0 0.08±0.0 0.08±0.0
LDL (mg/dl) 18±6 20±7 18±7 18±6 18±7 22±7 19±7
VLDL(mg/dl) 5±1* 5±2* 5±2 4±2 5±1* 5±2* 5±2
Te same superscripts (* and **) in the same row denote signifcant diference at (p < 0.05, P < 0.01) respectively.
Y=Young. A=Adult. YF=Young Femine. AF=Femine adult. YM=Young Male. AM=Adult Male.
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Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 70 (2)  June 2015 37 Biochemical Serum Parameters in Zom Sheep
Zom sheep. Further studies are required to elucidate this
Te presence of multiple isoenzymes of alkaline phos-
phatase enables the use of this enzyme as an indicator in the
diagnosis of diseases (22). Each tissue has diferent alkaline
phosphatase isoenzymes. To date, hepatic, renal, intestinal,
placental and bone alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes have
been identifed, yet, as the majority of these isoenzymes
are characterized by a short plasma half-life, the alkaline
phosphatase activity in the blood circulation is indicated
to originate, to a large extent, from the liver and bone tis-
sues (15, 23). Serum alkaline phosphatase activity, which is
reported to greatly vary between animal species, is indicated
to be afected by several factors, including age, gender, diet,
hunger, and environmental changes (15). Some researchers
have suggested the alkaline phosphatase enzyme concentra-
tions of sheep are not afected by gender (1, 6) or age (18).
Perez et al. (24) reported alkaline phosphatase enzyme levels
to be higher in males, compared to females, and highest in
the young compared to adults. High levels of this enzyme
have been attributed to higher muscular activity and better
body condition (24) feeding on zinc-defcient feed (25) and
high osteoblastic activity in young animals (12, 26). On the
other hand, in a study carried out in goats, Daramola et al.
(27) determined that alkaline phosphatase levels were higher
in adult animals. In the present study, it was ascertained that
serum alkaline phosphatase levels were signifcantly afected
by both gender (P < 0.01) and age (P < 0.05). In this respect,
the present study was found to be in agreement with previous
studies relating to gender (12,24) and age (6, 11, 26).
Te γ~GT enzyme is found in the kidneys, pancreas, liver,
spleen and small intestine. Although this enzyme exists in
contact with the membrane in the cellular cytosol of several
tissues, an increase in its serum levels generally suggests the
presence of diseases related to the bile ducts or liver (15, 19).
Ramos et al. (28) reported that in Arogenesa sheep, serum
γ~GT levels decreased with age. In several other studies, it
has been suggested that neither gender (6, 19, 24) nor age
(7, 19) have an efect on serum γ~GTlevels. In their study on
the efects of age and gender in Kangal dogs, Çınar et al. (29)
demonstrated that γ~GT levels were higher in adult females
and young males, compared to young females. Furthermore,
Piccione et al. (30) reported that age signifcantly afected
γ~GT levels in Girgentana goats, and suggested that serum
γ~GT levels being higher in adults, when compared to
young animals, could be related to physical stress. Te serum
γ~GT levels measured in the present study demonstrated a
statistically signifcant efect of both gender and age on this
parameter (P < 0.05) (Tables 1 and 2). Terefore, the results
obtained for serum γ~GT levels in the present study did
not comply with either previous results suggesting that this
enzyme is not afected by the gender (6, 19, 24) and age (7,
19, 24) or results reported by Ramos et al. (28) suggesting
lower levels to be observed in adults. On the other hand, the
results of the present study were found to be in agreement
with previous reports demonstrating higher serum γ~GT
levels in adults, compared to the young (24, 29, 30).
One of the serum indicators of hepatic failure and extra-
hepatic obstruction is direct bilirubin (DBIL) (31). Increased
bilirubin concentrations have shown that species variations
to be important for the use of indirect/direct bilirubin levels
in diagnosis (15). Bilirubin is generated as a result of the
breakdown of haemoglobin and microsomal cytochromes.
While prehepatic icterus is characterized by increased indi-
rect bilirubin (IBIL) levels, hepatic and posthepatic icterus
are characterized by increased DBIL levels (11, 15). Several
studies have shown that gender and age do not afect DBIL
levels in sheep (1, 6, 12) and goats (24). To the best of the
authors’ knowledge, there is no literature suggesting ovine
serum DBIL levels to be afected by age. On the other hand,
Gurgoze and Icen (32) have reported that DBIL levels were
afected by age in purebred Arabian mares. In the present
study, it was determined that, in Zom sheep, DBIL levels
were not afected by gender (P < 0.05). Tis fnding was in
agreement with previous reports suggesting serum DBIL
levels not to be afected by the gender factor (1, 6, 12). Te
assessment of all age groups demonstrated that serum DBIL
levels were signifcantly higher in the adult animals (P < 0.05,
P < 0.01) (Table 2). Further research is needed to elucidate
age-dependent alterations that occur in DBIL levels in Zom
Lipoproteins are closely associated with cholesterol levels.
Increased cholesterol levels are the result of increased HDL
and/or VLDL levels. Increase in cholesterol levels mainly
arises from increase in HDL levels, and to a less extent, from
increase in VLDL levels (33). Cholesterol concentrations,
which increase during the dry period in sheep, are regulated
by a number of complex factors (10). While some literature
reports suggest that neither gender (1,6,18,20) nor age (6, 18,
21) afect cholesterol levels, some other reports suggest that
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Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 70 (2)  June 2015 Durak, M.H. 38
serum cholesterol levels decrease with age (20, 24, 28, 29).
Perez et al. (24) reported that, in the Spanish ibex (mountain
goat), cholesterol levels were higher in the young, compared
to adults, and in females, compared to males. On the other
hand, some researchers (20, 35) reported that serum cho-
lesterol levels increase with age. In the present study, while
serum cholesterol levels were ascertained not to have been
afected by gender, they were shown to have been signifcantly
afected by age. In this respect, the fndings of the present
study in Zom sheep were in agreement with previous reports
suggesting serum cholesterol levels not to be afected by gen-
der (1, 6, 18, 20, 34) and to increase with age (20, 35). On
the other hand, the fndings obtained in the present study
were found to disagree with research suggesting cholesterol
levels to decrease with age (24, 29, 34). Tis diference was
attributed to the Zom sheep in the present study to have
been grazed on pastures in mountainous areas, and therefore,
their muscular activity to have occurred at a higher level, as
well as to cholesterol levels increasing in the summer season
(36) and to several other factors, including breed, genetics
(37) and geography.
Studies on the blood lipid profle of domestic animals
have shown the existence of variations between species and
even within species (20, 38). While plasma lipoprotein levels
may vary with body weight gain (39), they may also alter with
age (34). In a study conducted by Eshratkhah et al. (36) in
Moghani sheep, it was reported that, while HDL and VLDL
levels were not afected by gender, HDL levels decreased and
VLDL levels did not alter with age (40). Eshratkhah et al.
(34) reported that, in sheep, serum HDL levels decreased in
late lactation and during the dry period. Te same researchers
(38) reported that, in male goats, VLDL levels decreased
with age. Noguchi (41) demonstrated that, in humans, LDL
and VLDL levels increased and HDL levels decreased with
age. In the present study, it was ascertained that HDL and
VLDL levels were not afected by gender, while the serum
HDL levels of the Zom sheep included in Subgroup MA had
signifcantly decreased in comparison to the levels measured
in Subgroup MY (p < 0.01). In this respect, the present study
complied with the research mentioned above (34, 40, 41). In
the current study in Zom sheep, it was observed that, serum
VLDL levels were signifcantly afected by age, and it was
determined that, of the subgroups MY and MA the latter
presented with higher levels, and of the groups Y and A, the
former presented with higher levels (P < 0.05) (Table 2). In
this respect, the fndings obtained in the present study for
serum VLDL levels conformed with the report of Noguchi
(41), but difered from the results of some other previous
research carried out in sheep and goats (34, 38, 40).
In conclusion, in view of biochemical parameters being
studied to ensure the accurate clinical diagnosis and prog-
nosis of animal diseases and the fact that no literature is
available on reference biochemical parameters for Zom sheep,
the present study is considered to contribute to veterinary
medical literature by providing reference values for future
biochemical research that would enable the comparison of
normal values with those measured in cases of disease. Te
present study carried out in Zom sheep demonstrated the
need for further research for the interpretation of serum
glucose, direct bilirubin and lipid levels.
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