
September 12, 2012 — admin
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Editor ial
eptember hails the Jewish New Year. This will be my third year as editor of the journal and I am thankful that the journal is improving in status, largely due to the support I have received from veterinarians and scientists in Israel. This time of the year is particularly appropriate to say “thank you” to all for your support. My thanks are also extended to all the reviewers for their work without which the journal could not continue to function. Again I am proud to see so many articles by Israeli authors. Thank you all for your contributions and I invite others to write their articles and present them. I encourage all to document their work experiences and report their findings. In early October I plan a meeting of the editorial board of the journal in order to finalize our application to the PubMed MEDLINE database of the United States National Library of Medicine. I believe that we have now reached the juncture where the quality of our journal will allow us a good change of acceptance. A lot of work and effort has been made to get to this stage and I am optimistic. Acceptance to PubMed is a challenge which we have accepted; our approval will certainly boost the journal even further. On acceptance it will then be our obligation to maintain and improve our standards further. With the advent of the New Year I wish all our readers “Shana Tova” and blessings of health, happiness and prosperity.
Editor-in-Chief Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Trevor Waner
Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine  Vol. 67 (3)  September 2012

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