June 27, 2011 — admin
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The scope of ISRAEL JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE is to focus primarily on topics concerning diseases and research in veterinary medicine relevant to Israel and the region. It by no means excludes original articles on topics common to veterinary science in other parts of the world. The current issue serves as a good example of this editorial policy.
Another goal, not less important, is to support veterinary scientists from countries in which no local veterinary journals are published in English. A substantial numbers of manuscripts are submitted that are authored by scientists from abroad, and we try hard to assist these authors by reviewing thoroughly their manuscripts We do our utmost by helping authors who have interesting and important data, yet lack the skills of presenting it properly. We are also tolerant concerning their use of the English language by editing it ourselves. However, some of the submitted articles are written in such poor English that they are hardly understandable. Hence, we have to reject them at times. The editorial policy from now on is to accept only manuscripts that are written in correct English. With the tremendous flow of articles submitted nowdays,we are not in a position to cope with manuscripts that need fundamental editing.
Please enable us to assist you in publishing your manuscripts.
Zeev Trainin
Volume 64 (2) 2009
website: www.isrvma.org

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